Sunday, May 30, 2010


looking back,i had a choice of leading the correct path,but i chose to walk the path less taken.thankfully,i woke up to my senses late but better than,i've chose the path,the one best suited.hopefully,it won't be another mistake.not in the mood to type out a junk full of words.LAZY!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

There's always something

I've been rather happy these few days. My efforts paid off .I'm doing this for myself and not for anyone else. That's what I finally figured out after 10 or 11 years of schooling?I made sacrifices on my own free will. Some which are extraordinarily hard to make. Look where I am now. I'm proud of myself but not overly proud like duhhhh. There's always room for improvement.pray for the other papers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


exams are over.yea....i know,a super delayed post.kinda lazy to update this space but nonetheless,im here.situations in life are getting better but some are left dangling,better forgotten.while at times, might seem know how ppl curse and swear behind your backs,always acting like the innocent party who apparently does not know how to appreciate any living kind.weird huh,how our "relationship" separates like those of the divergent plates,how we'll just be separated by a little puddle like ocean but no one wants to move a step's difficult to be reminded of the words and yet be blamed for it?hell no, what's wrong with you or me or is complicated but only because there are humans.if i were a boy~~~~~i'd have a better life maybe?but nah!i'd rather be who i am today,to get a taste of perfection,bitterness and the feeling of drama.friends who stay, and friends who are not worth the chase.i've got too many things on my mind but just no time to think about them.this year, i'm like a prisoner,except that i was the one who chose to cage myself up.i made sacrifices by not meeting my girls although i really wanted to.and for that,i'm truly sorry my girls.i promise i'll be out of my "cage" soon.well, i would really love to write how i truly feel here but blogs are not private anymore.(that's one of the reason why i don't blog often)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY! I really did wanted to specially dedicate a post with pictures for my mum but. I can't use my comp!thus I'm blogging from my phone. Well no celebration this week as my dad just left for bk and it's the exam period. week! At least it gives me time to get Her a present.exam is.....dreadful yet, time passes so fast.few more papers left. A lil freedom after! My life has been constantly accelerating.which is a good thing.speaking of which, my blog posts seem to be decelerating. I'll be back!