yeah.i'm all bangs main purpose of cutting bangs was to look younger seems like i still look least it's a change right?so anyway,dempsey with the girls today for ben & jerry's.yumerooo.followed by nachos with cheese and pickles.ohh was it delightful.we then proceeded to an open air carpark where we played a game of truth or dare.the dares however,mainly involved the participation of non players which got us a lil freaked out thus took turns to ask questions which mostly concerned the life of an average teenage was a great bonding session for us and the moments spent were truly mad fun.buuuuaaaaiiiiis
Saturday, November 20, 2010
yeah.i'm all bangs main purpose of cutting bangs was to look younger seems like i still look least it's a change right?so anyway,dempsey with the girls today for ben & jerry's.yumerooo.followed by nachos with cheese and pickles.ohh was it delightful.we then proceeded to an open air carpark where we played a game of truth or dare.the dares however,mainly involved the participation of non players which got us a lil freaked out thus took turns to ask questions which mostly concerned the life of an average teenage was a great bonding session for us and the moments spent were truly mad fun.buuuuaaaaiiiiis
Thursday, November 18, 2010
clear up that mess you smelly!
well,okay,the upper shelves aren't properly cleared yet but that's because i need to make a trip down to ikea to get some boxes to store those stuffs.nonetheless,isn't it so much cleaner now?i spent my whole afternoon cleaning the table ya know.yeap.seeing how clean it is now makes me happy!i had initially promised my mum,no no.she had apparently made me sign a "contract" that i'll clear the whole mess by the 26th of november but it's done now!no more messy table filled with dusts and ants.yuck right?how did i manage to live in a room filled with ANTS.not any ordinary ants but ANTS THAT STING!eeek.but have no fear,stinging ants days are gone!!!kay,BUUUUAAAAIIIISSSSSSSSSS.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
it's over

now that the big o's are over.i feel too free.few months back,i was looking froward to having so much free time to do a hell lot of stuffs like baking,playing ping pong with my brother,going out shopping,reading new books,reading the newspaper,playing a new song on the piano....but now,it seems like i've got too much free time on my hands and i feel so bored without's perfectly normal to feel this way,especially when you've spent the past 10 months or so ,working your ass off.however,i've got this gut feeling that my results won't turn out that pretty.oh gawd!putting that aside,i've made a list of things to do.
- clear my books.(you'll get to see the mess around my house tmr)
- clear my closet.
- find a job
- read books.
- read the newspaper
- jog at least twice every week.
- bake
- cook
- do some house chores
- decorate my room
- play the piano
- last but not least,HANG OUT MY MY GIRLS!
there!hopefully these 12 points would be ticked at the end of this long holiday!shall not let it go to waste or i'll be sure to regret it next time.
my girls

my beautiful girls.these past 4 years of knowing you two have been so eventful.we started out as just normal friends but grew closer over the years.we share our pasts and turn it into jokes that keep us laughing instead of feeling regretful.for this past year,has without a doubt been the most challenging for the three of us.luckily for us,we managed to persevere through it all and still made the effort to remain as close as ever.
syuhrah,you are an amazing person,you've got a unique character that no one else has.being in the same class for 4 awesome years has definitely been filled with alot of excitement,laughter,joyfulness and hardcore fun! we've grown so close that we know each other's character so've been there for me when i shed tears of sadness and you've lent me a listening ear every single time i felt sad or when my mouth was just simply know my flaws and have always encouraged me to carry on to strive.we share so many secrets that we trust each other to keep.we share common thoughts for almost every issue.we faced many obstacles through the years together and when you succeeded,i felt proud for you,and when i did,you felt proud for one would replace your spot in my heart babe.i'm sorry for one thing though.remember that time when you were down and i thought that being quiet and not asking would have helped you and you told me it wasn't the first time i kept quiet?(POA).remember?well i'm really sorry for that few times when i didnt question you on how you felt.i should've andi'll do ask from now on,knowing that you feel comfortable with me questioning.last but not least,love you honey bee.bzzzzzzzz.
jaslyn,despite being in different classes,we've still remained as close as you know how difficult that is.its awesome that we managed to do that,especially when i almost went've got a quiet character but when we're hanging out,you'll open up much more and yes we do have loads and loads of hilarious fun.we share common thoughts of people like all the ALs.and you've lent me a helping hand in times of need.we remind each other of our pasts and laugh at them.(red head)you've supported me in my achievements and im really grateful for that.we've shed buckets of tears together,be it of sadness and're lovely sorry for the quarrel we had at the beginning of this year.well i can't really remember much of it but i do remember you shed tears because of that and i felt regretful for that.but you know what they say,through quarrels,it makes a relationship you sweetheart.
both of you have a huge print in my heart that no one else could have left.the struggles we've faced.all the boy problems and gossips.haha. all those fun times,making fun of our flaws(my long neck).haha.they've definitely made the bond between us stronger.thanks for tolerating my goofy character,the one that goes bonkers at random timings,the side of me that ill only show to you ya two.muacks muacks.
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