Friday, May 22, 2009

had a tour around the civic district area.super boring.the only interesting part was when we got a chance to be in the supreme court.overall-boring!the girls would be heading over to cheryl's house later to countdown with her till 12 midnight.unfortunately, ican't go as there wont be any transport home and i'll be fetching my dad from the airport early tmr morning.sorry cheryl!
i'm seriously over the lulu!(my language)there's this weird feeling of my heart beat racing when someone's in cheeks have not felt this warm for a long time .oh boom! my cheeks are turning red as i'm typing.friends think i'm going nuts!but i think it's just a yes,i shall just leave it as it is,hoping you wouldn't notice the rosiness of my cheeks.nor notice me at all.this world's so complicated.

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