Wednesday, August 5, 2009

bottom of the world

i'm so feeling much was sucky!or should i say, the worst day ever of my whole entire schooling life.first i was normal,hyper as ever.then,next minute,i was squeezing my stomach making noises which cherie said sounded wrong.due to that intense pain,i couldn't help cherie during pratical in the physics lab.poor cherie had to do it all by herself.i owe her!2 periods after,syuhrah said that i looked super pale and that i looked like bella.except we went back to class.i sware i nearly fainted while walking up.rang up my mum and she came to school to fetch me home.she herself,wasn't feeling well whole family's sick.first my brother,then me and my mum.daddy why are we always sick when you're not around.haha.
big thanks to cherie,jaslyn,syuhrah&yijie for helping me today.smooches!
damn i missed two tests.that's even worse.ugh!!!

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