CT's over.feel so relax.at the same time,worried for my piano exam next week.well, you see,i'm taking my pratical piano examination next friday and piano theory exam the week after,on the 13th.so sadly,i wont be able to go for the jakarta trip with the school as it clashes with my theory exam!I WANT TO GO TO JAKARTA!!!!i really do want to visit the crater lake,anything related to geog,i'm interested.yah i know i sound like a total geek but its my last year in mayflower and i really do want to spend my last year being as active as possible.
AND.........dad's leaving for BK on the 14th and i just begged him to allow me to tag along.my mother helped me but i guess my dad's still worried.i want bonding time with daddy kins (although we are as close as ever already).i shall not give up!!!BANGKOK,WAIT FOR MEZZZZZZZZ!
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