my brother tried acting like he wanted to grab my head.
and another time.
then he played with the mf school tie.
awww so sweet........
the next minute,FIGHT!
awesome picture of my brother "flying"
i bet most of you have already wished jaslyn bby happy birthday already.if you havnt,please kindly do so.and i mean right now!sent her a super long text msg.and i bet she's busy replying all the other text msges as she only replied"thanks babe!!!i lkove you" hahaha what to do?m,y girlfriend is FAMOUS!well i really do wish she'll have a wonderful birthday with all of her loved ones and i really hope she'll love my pressie(although i have nt pass it to her yet).well jaslyn bby,wait and,i went "gaigai" with wanzzz bby ystd and ill upload the photos another day when i get them.had a blast and i'm blasting offf toooozzz bedzzz nowzzzz!OMGEEEEZZZZZZZZZ SUGAR RUSH!
Hahaha feel like shaking you! I'm not famous for goodness sake. K I hereby top up the text I replied the other time hi chun thanks for everything you've done for me for the past years without u and the girls my 16 wouldn't be this great wanna thank u for the pressie and e sibei long msg love u too hope you had enjoy your bird day too smooches