Sunday, April 4, 2010

You are not the only exception

Far away. . I tried to I TRIED to. But you won't play your part. I'm not going to force you to change cos I can't.I don't even know what I am to you.I hardly talk to you now. I did made an effort to talk to you,to make up to you. but you don't even treat me the same way. I tried understanding you,I tried asking you about your problems but you refuse to now, you can't blame me for not trying anymore and you can't accuse me for not caring. i give up.I GIVE UP. It's tiring trying to keep up. I've to get information from others about you. Yea this proves how distant we are. Now, I finally realised. All this while, I've been comforting myself with reasons why you might be acting this way.but well,我在也不要安慰自己了.i'm not going to use all my effort trying to salvage this when I know it would all go to waste. PS IF YOU THINK THIS POST IS ABOUT YOU,THINK AGAIN:)

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