Sunday, February 22, 2009

celestine is in pain!

i hurt my pinkee while playing bball with my dad.

it's frigging painful.i've been really clumsy these few days.

first i forgot in had tuition on wed.second,i left my shoe bag in the taxi on the same day.
thankfully the driver was kind enough to return.thirdly,my i phone blacked out all of a sudden
and when i called singtel,they said i didn't press some button to on it back.
celestine is officially blur,lag and now clumsy.gosh.
i'm going for korean lessons soon!just finding a language centre that's near my house.who knows any?

ohoh did i mention,my cousin appeared in CLEO megazine?

there wear phrases like "she must enjoy sex" when he was asked to describe his ideal first lady.

but that was all add on's by the editor to make things juicer.haha.

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