Friday, February 27, 2009

saw it,read it and cried in guilt.
yes i'm feeling guilty.
my best friends were there to console me which was the lucky part
or else my pillow would be soaked with tears.yuck! make me feel so guilty but i've got my reasons too.
i know that there are many more people calling me a bitch or a whore now.
but i dont give a f**k.
i'm seriously pissed already and i cant be bothered with people hating me.
i seemed to have improved in my subjects all except maths which i failed by 4 bloody marks.
whatever people.think of me in which ever way i like.
i know who i am, which is the most important thing.i wont try to remove that impression of me in your mind.
i'm stressed,stressed and stressed.
no point regretting about the past any longer.
there's no use cause things would never be the same.
i feel like a whole different person.some how more lively than before.
but i dont seem to understand why i'm this way.
no emotions run through me.
damn it.
somehow i know you and i would be able to move on even without each other.
it's all my fault,yes i know i'm an uber evil,useless, person.or whatever you wna call me

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