Saturday, February 27, 2010


so much for a friend.i really appreciate you for all you've done.yeah right.trying to be all bimbotic and trying to help out?you got the definition of helping out wrong woman.matter of factly,you're making things worse.enough of the accusations and reluctance to admit that you're also at fault attitude.and respect?please,what form of respect do you even have?respect for yourself maybe,but definitely not for won't be able to understand how i feel of've got to get your definitions right first before understanding.its like you'll have to crawl first before you can walk.take one step at a time alright....although i doubt you ever reach that level of understanding.with your ego being weirdly huge for a girl,you're bound to get yourself in trouble in future.take it as a friendly opinion alright?no hard feelings.peacezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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