Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I've been having some issues with my self esteem lately. I've put on weight this year due to the lack of exercise and my arms and flabby as a result. I'm not saying that I'm fat,I'm just stomach seems to bulge out all the time,being unable to fit into my fav shorts/jeans just makes me feel a whole lot worse.and you know what they say..."you are what you eat". So......from today onwards I'm gna control what I eat. Of course I'll not let myself suffer to the extend of not eating the whole day or something. I'll eat when I'm hungry and I'll just simply cut down on the portions of food I eat.

Also,I've been looking at the pictures which i recently took and yea my left eye has a more distinct double eyelid whereas my right eye is a single which makes me look sleepy. My face is toooooo long. I can't stand it and I wish my eyes were larger.I don't want ppl to keep telling me chun's eyes is small's just that she wears contacts. So what if I wear contacts right?more comments about my pupils being small makes me wna hold on to my contacts more. And because of such comments,i dare not to go outside without my contacts on.
I am really insecure about myself. I'd always wonder,how would my future boyfriend react to my total bare face? Chances of him running away would be 99%. And being a positive thinker I'll tell myself"don't worry,you'll find that 1%".


  1. Even if that one percent dies, 我会养你的! And I meant it, I'm serious.

  2. Haha. Awwww. Thanks baby. Wah then I be a huge mega big light bulb!!!

  3. Eh... Bu yao zhe yang ! You know you're pretty. Not only the outside matters, the inside too! Well, what importantly matters is the inside k.
