Saturday, December 4, 2010

out to town with wanz,dm and jas yesterday and boy did i spend my $$$ on food.had two medium servings of yami yogurt,large best fries forever,mac ice cream and on top of that,i had a rather heavy lunch before.i'm really gna get fat soon if this lifestyle of mine continues.i've already broken the promise of exercising once every week which i had initial earnest to be kept.
and now,i can finish a whole packet of chips on my own.that's nothing to vaunt about ya know.besides,i've not gotten my pay yet.those 4 days of standing and promoting laptops from 10-9 has caused a lingering numbness on my two big toes.i'm in dire need for my pay now to start Christmas shopping,with a major fraction of it to be given to my parents.
shar and syuhrah are currently away on a vacation and i'm missing them loads.i wish for them to be safe.i can't wait for them to get back and share with us their gleeful experience.then,would we be able to slumber at each other's houses.

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