Thursday, January 14, 2010

don't say sorry.

i'm lying in bed,with nothing to whole body aches and my forehead's so hot it feels like it make be taken for a stove.if you've been following my tweet, you would have known that i've got a temperature started rising on wednesday but it had gone down,so i assumed i was well enough to go to school on thursday.i swore i took my temperature before heading to school and it was 37 degrees.little did i know that it started rising till i couldn't feel my own fingers.i took my temperature during recess and it was freaking 39.4.i rang up my mum but she couldn't fetch me as she was in a meeting.i felt so helpless that i burst into tears-that explains why i cried yesterday.
2nd week of school and my health's not good.i've always been healthy.well,my immune system seems to be weak this year,or maybe whenever my dad's not simply seems too unrealistic that whenever my dad's not around,my family's bound to get sick.many think that i'm just too stressed out with the pressure that i'm putting myself through.this year=no play time,no fun.
i'm really trying to find time to balance out friends,school and studies.i'm deeply afraid that i'll grow apart from my lovely girls.and i realised,some friends are just there only when they need you ,but not when you need them.all they care about is themselves.thinking about all these things makes me feel extremely exhausted.

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